File has failed to open in slicer for fusion 360
File has failed to open in slicer for fusion 360

Structures are used to define the granularity of exports. The behavior of STL export is configured in this section. This option will not effect exports with the structure One File If checked references to external designs (links) are not exported. Export OptionsĮxport options are top level filters that are applied to STL, STEP or F3D exports.Įnables or disables the export of STL filesĮnables or disables the export of STEP filesĮnables or disables the export of F3D filesĬhecked components and including sub-components are not exported. This tab provides all functions to configure what export formats are created and how they're structured. The user interface is divided into the following sections: Export Some of the fields in this section are only shown in the Export Design Command. The commands is located in the workspace EXPORTIT. This command allows the definition of the default configuration that is used in the Export Design dialog. Not all fields shown in the Default Configuration Command are also used in this command. Export formats like STEP or F3D don't support exports of single bodies and will interpret this selection as a selection of a component / occurrence and may contain more than one body. The one exception is the field Export Bodies that is used to select bodies to limit the exported to a subset of the design. Most parameters correspond to those from the Default Configuration Command. This add-in is based on the provided API and therefore Fusion 360 exports cannot contain any linked components.The term occurrences is borrowed from the API and is used to describe all occurrences of a component.The term components is synonymously used with the term component in Fusion 360 but with the restriction that's restricted to the first occurrence.Step: (Mesh) D:/Download./īodies should be exported but this component contains meshes that are not exportedįile couldn't be created because of external links Successfully exported component, but meshes are missing What categories are shown can be configured in the Default Editor Show Summary. The summary report is grouped into the the sections Info, Warning and Error. In the case of One File Per Body In Occurrence or One File Top Level Occurrence STL exports, a temporary document must be closed. If the configuration has been changed, the following message appears after the export has been completed:ĭepending on the configuration a summary report is shown that might contain information, warnings or errors. Start the export by hitting the OK button. Basic workflowĪdjust configuration (if defaults are chosen carefully very minor things have to be adjusted for the every day project).

file has failed to open in slicer for fusion 360 file has failed to open in slicer for fusion 360

These can be adjusted and the changed values (deltas) can be saved in the design. When the command starts, the user interface displays the preconfigured default values. This command exports the active design (or parts of it) into several formats, structures and refinements in one run.

  • Avoid export of different occurrences of one component (optional).
  • Create stl exports with different refinements and structures within one run.
  • The export configuration can be saved within the design, which makes it possible to export updated designs again and again at the push of a button.
  • More meaningful and configurable export names.
  • The advantages compared to the built-in command includes: This add-in exports designs in various resolutions, structures and formats within one run.

    File has failed to open in slicer for fusion 360